Thursday, 29 November 2012

I'm a gamer. I have Steam. I've bought a lot of games from Steam. The Steam sales make it so easy to build up a library for cheap. According to this analysis, I have 258 games in my library and only played 51. That doesn't even mean I finished all 51 games, that just means I started 51 games. Of those 51, I've finished a dozen or so. Maybe 2 dozen? As a gamer, that's unacceptable. My quest is to go through my entire Steam library and finish every single game in alphabetical order.

As with any epic quest, there are challenges:

  1. I have a full time job
  2. I have a girlfriend
These will limit my gaming sessions to a few hours a night, 3-5 nights a week. Yes, this quest will take months if not years.

Some additional ground rules: if the game has no end (i.e. it's multiplayer only), I'll play each map and/or mode three times. Official maps only, no custom maps.

So that's it. I hope I have the resolve to finish these games and not get fired/dumped in the process. I'll update as soon as I start my first game, AI War: Fleet Command.

EDIT: 11/29/12 2:39PM PST, game count is now up to 260 as I have purchased the Humble THQ Bundle

EDIT: 6/18/13 1:27PM PST, using, the total list is at 302. However, it includes the names of the bundles as well as the games in the bundle.